The “Virxe da Barca” Festival bid farewell to its 2024 event, one of the most crowded in recent years, with the traditional local procession, which carries the Virgin from the Parish Church of Santa María de Muxía, where she spent the night from Sunday to Monday, back to her place in the Sanctuary of “Nuestra Señora da Barca.”
The day began at 12:30 p.m. in the parish church, from where a crowded procession departed, featuring the participation a good number of Muxía residents. Once in the sanctuary, the new priest of the town, Manuel Turnes, gave a solemn mass sung by the “Virxe da Barca de Muxía” Polyphonic Choir.
During the homily, the parish priest once again asked his faithful for unity, patience and prayer, as he did in the opening novena of the religious acts that was held on September 5. He also spoke of the ability of the “Virxe da Barca” to unite people and stressed that only with unity will it be possible to face the new challenges that the sanctuary has ahead: the exterior sealing and interior painting of the church, as well as the reconstruction of its altarpiece.
The mass ended, as usual, with the intonation of the Hymn of the “Virxe da Barca,” which moved many of those present, and the intonation of numerous cheers and hails to their patron saint.
After the religious acts, the party began in the port of Muxía with a vermouth session featuring the M-3 Show orchestra; as well as with the performance of brass bands, bagpipe bands, giants and bigheads.
A great night festival will put the finishing touch to the celebrations
After four days of celebrations, the festivities will conclude tonight in style with a great festival that will last until the early hours of the morning.
To say goodbye to the party, the organization has opted for the Orquesta Origen, a group founded in 2022 that has already become the revelation of the year and one of the most demanded in the calendar of festivities in Galicia. They will be joined by the M-3 Show orchestra that, after its daytime performance, will perform its show “La Gira Loca 2024” for Muxía’s residents.
All of this to end the festive programme of the “Virxe da Barca” Festival, an event declared of National Tourist Interest in 1989 that, this year, has enjoyed the support of the Xunta de Galicia.